All women and men should hear this bc it will shock most of them into consciousness of a void - what most of have never heard.
Nerissa Oden
All writings here are copyrighted by Nerissa Oden. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
May 8, 2011
Apr 10, 2011
Nebelungs on CATS 101 NOW AIRING This Month!
CATS 101 Nebelung Breed Schedule has finally made it to Animal Planet schedule! Myself, my husband Joe Vitale, and our little girl Nona have the starring roles! The website says, "Meet the Tonkinese, Nebelung, Serengeti, Korat, Cats Gone Wild, RagaMuffin, Toyger"
Apr 10, 1:00 am
Apr 23, 9:00 pm
Apr 23, 10:00 pm
Apr 24, 12:00 am
Nerissa Oden
All writings here are copyrighted by Nerissa Oden. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Apr 10, 1:00 am
Apr 23, 9:00 pm
Apr 23, 10:00 pm
Apr 24, 12:00 am
Nerissa Oden
All writings here are copyrighted by Nerissa Oden. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Mar 25, 2011
Why You Shouldn't Give Up On Government
Nerissa Oden
All writings here are copyrighted by Nerissa Oden. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Mar 2, 2011
Will the Real Stevia Please Stand Up?
I lost five pounds in five days when I switched from a Stevia sweetener to pure Stevia extract sold by a health food store.
Confused? I was too. So at the urging from a friend I researched Stevia.
When I did the research I was surprised, even angered, but I couldn’t be happier about the ultimate outcome. I have new knowledge-- I now buy Stevia products without guessing about its true contents or if I’m making a healthy choice.
Stevia is the genus name for over 240 species of herbs and shrubs in the sunflower family native to North and South America. The most widely known species of Stevia is Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni. Although used for centuries by indigenous peoples the little sweet white flowered herb was first cataloged by a botanist, Bertoni, in 1887 in Paraguay.
The name Stevia is pronounced, stē-vē-ə, -vyə. In South America it is commonly known as yerba dolce (sweet herb). For centuries the native’s called it “sweet leaf” and “honey leaf.”
Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni’s leaves are the coveted part of the herb because they contain several distinct glycosides, the intense sugary sweetness that distinguishes it from all the other Stevia species. Glycosides are just glucose (simple sugar) molecules bonded to non-glucose molecules. Stevia’s glycosides are unique and are appropriately named, steviol glycosides.
Many medications originate in plant glycosides. Many plants bond their unique chemicals in glycosides and store them. Humans extract these glycosides, then separate the glucose and chemicals in various ways, then use the chemicals as medications. In the case of Stevia, we have extracted the glycosides to use as a sweetener. The extracted steviol glycosides from the Stevia leaf have no calories, no carbs, no effect on blood sugar levels, is PH stable, resistant to fermentation and is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar.
Modern Stevia manufacturers have begun treating Stevia like a medicine; they are making “purified” extractions from Stevia’s steviol glycosides extract.
Medical research conducted on various pure Stevia extracts showed promise for treating obesity, hypertension, high blood pressure, inflammation, insulin efficiency, cellular immunity and nutrition, and healthy cell growth. Research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry concludes that Stevia could also be a rich source of antioxidants and may protect against DNA damage and cancer. Purdue University's Dental Science Research Group concluded after two studies that Stevia "significantly" inhibits the development of plaque and may help to prevent cavities.
Today, companies make and sell Stevia in three different forms:
(1) dried leaves finely ground into a powder,
(2) steviol glycosides extracted with water from the dried leaves, or
(3) breaking down the natural steviol glycoside structure into primary compounds. The two most desired primary compounds are Stevioside and Rebaudioside A (Reb A). These patented extraction processes vary, but generally most commercial processes use a proprietary combination of water filtration, solvent filtration (ethanol or methanol ), nano filtration, decolorizing agent, adsorption chromatography, ion-exchange resins, electrolytic techniques, microwaves, and precipitating agents. Industry literature and company websites call their patented extraction processes “purification.”
The Japanese have been using Stevia instead of sugar in their homes, and commercially in food products and soft drinks since 1971. By 1988, almost half of the Japanese sweetener market was Stevia. The Japanese have also pioneered the extraction processes for breaking down the natural steviol glycosides into it’s primary compounds and have dominated the sweetener industry in producing Stevia’s most abundant compound, Stevioside.
In 1982-83, the United States FDA banned Stevia’s importation into America. In 1994, Congress passes the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) which defined dietary supplements as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs and botanical extracts and derivatives. And that of course included Stevia.
In 2008, the FDA approved one of Stevia’s primary compounds, Rebaudioside A, to be sold in the US as a food additive. The extracted compound must be 95-97% pure Rebaudioside A. It is also called Reb-A or Reb A. Rebaudioside A is Stevia’s second most abundant compound. Stevioside is the most abundant primary compound in Stevia and its production is dominated by the Japanese.
Today, trademarked versions of Reb A are sold to commercial food manufactures for use in their products. Rebiana is owned jointly by Cargill International and Coca-Cola. Enlitenâ is registered and sold by Corn Products International who claims that their version is better because it comes from a sweeter “patented version” of the Stevia plant.
Since the the FDA’s decision, Reb A has been included in proprietary formulated sweeteners sold under several trade marked names including: OnlySweet™, Pure Via™, SweetLeafâ Sweetener™, and Truvia™.
Sweetener food manufacturers say bulking agents are included in their products to create a similar texture and feel as sugar. The new Stevia sweeteners are mostly bulking agents sweetened with a little Stevia extract because Stevia extracts are 300-400 times sweeter than cane sugar and weighs very little. It makes sense. Imagine trying to sell a new sweetener, maybe the size of a pack of gum, next to a 5-lb. bag of sugar. The tiny new product would be passed over by most consumers.
The first ingredient listed on any new Stevia sweetener is one of these common bulking agents: cane sugar, erythritol, dextrose, isomaltulose and maltodextrine. When you buy a Stevia supplement you will see one of these common bulking agents: cellulose powder and inulin soluble fiber.
These agents actually do exist naturally in nature somewhere and that’s why food manufacturers are allowed to call their ingredients “natural.” But bulking agents used in sweeteners are not directly harvested from nature. Food manufacturers definitely create these bulking agents in industrial scale facilities.
As you will find out below, these bulking agents are generally made by combining corn with yeast, bacteria or enzymes until a corn syrup is formed. Then refining processes are used to break down the new syrup which will then require further processing before becoming a bulking agent.
In my opinion, the following “natural sweeteners” are merely highly processed food additives that should not be eaten on a regular basis. They should be avoided by persons who are allergic (or sensitive) to corn, or fermented foods.
A popular crystalline bulking agent made by combining yeast and corn sugar so it ferments and turns into a sugar alcohol. Other common sugar alcohols used as food additives are: Glycerol, Erythritol, Arabitol, HSH, Xylitol, Mannitol, Sorbitol, Isomalt, Maltitol and Lactitol.
Unlike other sugar alcohol food additives, Erythritol is much more difficult to digest by oral and intestinal bacteria. After traveling through the small intestine erythritol is usually absorbed into the bloodstream undigested and excreted through the urine mostly undigested and unchanged from its original form.
It has negligible affect on blood sugar. Overconsumption can result in a laxative effect.
Glucose, Dextrose, D-glucose and Grape Sugar.
Glucose is commercially made from starch via enzymatic hydrolysis. Cornstarch is used almost exclusively in the United States. A-Amylase (an enzyme found in plants, animal, bacteria and fungi that breaks starch down into sugar) is added to the cornstarch which converts it to glucose syrup. Next, saccharification (a hydrolysis procedure) converts the glucose syrup into a simple soluble fermentable sugar. It will increase blood sugar levels.
Maltodextrine is a glucose polymer, or a chain of glucose molecules. Maltodextrin is commercially made from starch via enzymatic hydrolysis. In the US, cornstarch is the starch of choice. In Europe, wheat starch is used. Cornstarch and enzymes are combined and through partial hydrolysis is processed into glucose syrup. Next, saccharification (a hydrolysis procedure) is used until complex glucose chains are broken down into fermentable sugars, mainly maltose.
Maltodextrin is easily digestible but takes slightly longer to digest than glucose. It will increase blood sugar levels.
Isomaltulose is manufactured by combining bacteria and sucrose until it ferments making a syrup similar to honey. Isomaltulose is absorbed by the small intestine just like glucose (sugar) and fructose. It produces low-glycemic and low-insulinemic results. Isomaltulose is not suitable for people with an intolerance to fructose or sucrose.
In contrast to Stevia sweeteners, Stevia supplements often don’t include bulking agents. The two I did find in Stevia supplements are natural, minimally processed, and considered healthy. Neither agent causes a rise in blood sugar, they are not fermented, and they aren’t known allergens. In fact, both bulking agents below are themselves health supplements that can be purchased separately to aid in digestion and elimination.
Cellulose powder
Cellulose is plant fiber and is the most common organic compound. Humans can not digest cellulose, but eat it regularly by eating fruits, vegetables and grains in their diet. Humans often call cellulose ‘fiber' and 'roughage’. Some animals (termites, cows, horses) can digest cellulose but only with the help of symbiotic micro-organisms.
As a dietary supplement, cellulose is often the inactive binding agent in vitamin and mineral supplements and it’s sold as an insoluble fiber to aid the digestive tract. As a food additive, cellulose is often the active ingredient in fiber products, an anti-caking ingredient to prevent grated cheese from caking together, and as thickeners and stabilizers in processed foods.
As a dietary supplement, cellulose is often the inactive binding agent in vitamin and mineral supplements and it’s sold as an insoluble fiber to aid the digestive tract. As a food additive, cellulose is often the active ingredient in fiber products, an anti-caking ingredient to prevent grated cheese from caking together, and as thickeners and stabilizers in processed foods.
Inulin soluble fiber
A perfect bulking agent for powdered Stevia supplements and food products made from plant fiber. Some plants store inulin in roots and rootstalks. Inulins are fructan fiber. Fructans are large repeating molecules of the natural plant sugar, fructose. This sugary fiber dissolves in water but passes through the digestive tract mostly undigested. Some plants store inulin in roots and rootstalks. Most of the inulin fiber that is used as a food additive comes from chicory roots or artichokes.
Considered safe for diabetics as it has negligible effects on blood sugar. Isn’t suitable for persons who have difficulty digesting fructose. The soluble fiber may cause gas and bloating as it moves through the digestive track because it is fermented by bacteria.
Stevia products made from the highly commercialized and processed compound of Stevia will say “stevia,” “stevia extract,” “rebiana,” “Reb A,” or “Reb-A.”
Stevia products that contain these ingredients, “stevia Leaf,” “Stevia Rebaudiana,” or “Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni,” are made from the original Stevia extract (Steviol glycosides) which includes all the Stevia compounds in their natural state using only water extraction process.
Truvia™ : erythritol, rebiana and natural flavors
Pure Via™ :dextrose, isomaltulose, cellulose powder, Reb A and natural flavors
Stevia in the Raw (individual packets): Dextrose and Stevia Extract (Rebiana)
Stevia in the Raw: Maltodextrin and Stevia Extract (Rebiana)
Sun Crystalsâ : pure cane sugar, stevia.
Stevita™ Spoonable™ : Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni extract (leaves) and Erythritol.
SweetLeafâ Sweetener™ : Inulin soluble fiber, Stevia leaf extract
Planetary Herbals Stevia Powder: Stevia Leaf (finely ground)
Kal Pure Stevia Extract: Stevia Extract (Stevia rebaudiana) (leaf)
Now Certified Organic Stevia Extract: Certified Organic Stevia Extract Powder (Stevia rebaudiana)(Leaf)
There is a general rule of thumb that highly refined foods are not as healthy, and many say they are proven to be unhealthy. Now consider that bulking agents are just highly refined fermented corn products which comprise the main ingredient in many of the new Stevia sweeteners. Also, I believe it’s highly likely that millions of Americans are sensitive to corn, and/or fermented products, just like me and several of my friends. That’s why I lost five pounds after switching Stevia products, inflammation caused by food sensitivities to fermented foods caused my body to retain extra water.
So, when I consider the above factors, it is my decision to only buy the natural Stevia extract (Steviol glycosides) that has been extracted with water and may or may not be bulked with natural fiber. Further, I choose to adapt my habits so that I use the finely ground Stevia leaves themselves as often as possible. If you have a green thumb, then consider growing Stevia to use in it’s original form. I had a salad once with fresh Stevia leaves and it was a real treat.
One last tidbit for you to consider is that certain doctors that I trust all agree that anyone with a blood sugar problem should avoid all sugars, and all sweeteners too. This will give your body time to heal, and give it a chance to regulate sugar appropriately. I myself have a blood sugar issue. When I use the finely ground Stevia leaves in my coffee, my sweet cravings are immediately quenched and after a couple days they are greatly reduced as well.
I hope I have helped you to navigate the sea of new Stevia products. My best wishes go out to you on your personal journey and discovery.
Nerissa Oden
All writings here are copyrighted by Nerissa Oden. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Dec 10, 2010
What to Buy Your Kitchen for Christmas
(NOTE: Printed in local magazine, Austin All Natural, at )
Consider for a moment that your kitchen wants to be useful. Its’ role is to support you in a positive and healthy way. It wants the refrigerator cold and its freezer like the Arctic. It wants plenty of shelving to hold all your food and simultaneously hoist small appliances in a circle-shaped hug. It wants to filter your drinking water and quietly wash your dishes through the night. (Hint: These are your first tips about what your kitchen wants.)
Nerissa Oden
All writings here are copyrighted by Nerissa Oden. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Consider for a moment that your kitchen wants to be useful. Its’ role is to support you in a positive and healthy way. It wants the refrigerator cold and its freezer like the Arctic. It wants plenty of shelving to hold all your food and simultaneously hoist small appliances in a circle-shaped hug. It wants to filter your drinking water and quietly wash your dishes through the night. (Hint: These are your first tips about what your kitchen wants.)
Now tap into the energy of your kitchen and ask, “What do you want?”
Not into Kitchen Quantum Physics? Then just acknowledge for a moment that we are all chefs. We all prepare food, or at least open the cans. So take a moment, look inward and ask yourself, “What type of chef am I?” And be honest.
Picture yourself preparing food that you like. Are you nibbling a stray veggie, or licking a spoon with joy? What are you making? A leafy salad? A casserole? Now, hold that thought.
The current image in your mind falls into one of these categories: Newbie, Salad Lover, Baker, Snacker or Raw Foodie Wannabe. So let’s explore what their kitchens would enjoy.
Newbie: You’re taking your first step away from prepackaged and frozen meals. For a smooth transition invest in a slow cooking crock pot to make beans and stew that are ready to eat when you get home. If you want to add more fresh foods to your new venture then get a large cutting board and a chef knife for fast and easy veggies. If you‘re ready to eat better, but not veggie-better, then get a personal blender like the Magic Bullet . Personal blenders make it easy to create sweet and healthy meals. Later on you can branch out and add Matcha green tea powder or plain powdered greens.
Salad Lover: You prefer eating leafy salads and no-leaf salads like pea salad. Your kitchen would enjoy a Lotus sanitizer on the counter. The Lotus kills bacteria and viruses, and neutralizes pesticides on your veggies by submerging your whole fruit and vegetables in a natural oxidant made from your tap water. Salad lovers will also appreciate a Benriner turning slicer to make nesting salads, sandwhich toppers and faux pasta. Zucchini “pasta” is a popular faux pasta. Spiraling jicamas make the perfect salad “nests” and are great fun for kids to eat. Great gift ideas are sprouting jars, and the standard lettuce spinner.
Baker: Over worshippers will be giddy over a complete set of stacking casserole dishes with lids for no-mess baking. Casserole dishes cook meats and veggies with minimal oil, juice or water. Healthy Bakers already use stevia instead of sugar in their cookies, pies and muffins. But are they enjoying baking with healthy flours? A grind mill creates flour from beans, rice and more. Grind mills are electric or hand turning. Imagine pizza dough made with pinto bean flour and brown rice flour! You’d never know the crust is wheat-free, gluten-free, and made from beans!
Snacker: You will easily be making fruit and veggie chips minus the palm oil and preservatives with your new food dehydrator! Your all organic granola bars, dessert bars, fruit leather and beef jerky will be the envy of your office. Eventually you’ll venture into making gluten-free crackers from ground seeds and beans. A simple companion device for your dehydrator is a Bodum press. Easily make hot drinks with loose tea, spices and fruits. You can even gather herbs from your yard like Dandelion and make medicinal teas with your Bodum press.
Raw Foodie Wannabe: Need a food processor for heavy blending of foods with just a little juice, and high powered blenders that pulverize fruits and veggies into drinkable liquids (not a juicer), and an apple corer for traveling light. Like the snacker, raw foodises need a dehydrator because it’s the closest thing to an oven that they are allowed to use. Gift deas for raw foodies are nut milk bags, glass pitchers, a knife sharpener, and a raw food cookbook.
Keep in mind your kitchen may want other things, so be sensitive to what it tells you. Have fun!
Nerissa Oden
All writings here are copyrighted by Nerissa Oden. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Nov 6, 2010
What Shirley MacLaine said When I Met Her
As projectionist, I was the first to arrive in the screening room and the last to leave locking up the building after me.
One night Shirley MacLaine and her assistant needed to view several days of dailies after hours because they had missed the regularly scheduled viewings. They were rushing through the reels trying to not stay up any later than they needed. So before most film reels had run through all the way through the projector, I stopped the machines and unthreaded the synced picture film and sound film without scratching the film coating or the magnetic coating of the sound film.
In this setting the First Assistant Editor was routinely coming in the projection booth to communicate with me about starting the next reel. It was a hectic and stressful. There was no time to sit on my heels as I was constantly threading, starting, then stopping and unthreading before rethreading the next reel on both projectors! But I did it and quickly!
We went through about 25 rolls of dailies that night. When a daily roll is full the average run time is about 10 minutes. It would have taken us late in into the morning hours had Shirley MacLaine and her assistant watched the reels in their entirety.
After the last daily roll was projected, I was busy rewinding the half-shown reels I had placed on the floor temporarily to keep pace with the stars demands. Each picture reel and each sound reel had to be rewound separately and in proper order so as to be HEADS OUT and ready for the next use.
I was briefly interrupted by Shirley MacLaine herself as she burst open the projection booth door and started to say something. She stopped and caught herself. Her mouth was still open but she said nothing.
I can only imagine what she was thinking. She was seeing her projectionist (me) for the first time, and I wasn't exactly a typical Hollywood union projectionist. Projectionists were typically much older and male.
I was a young blonde woman who looked barely of legal drinking age. And I had been at the helm of the two monster projectors that night and the recipient of her demands.
She looked surprised, caught off guard, and at a loss for words.
"Yes, Ms. MacLaine may I help you?," I asked, and looking slightly confused myself.
I had heard Shirley MacLaine was tough and demanding. I no idea why she came into the booth. In my experience movie stars don't go out of their way to talk to you. I was also insecure and my first thought was that she might be about to yell at me.
But instead she said, "Thank you. Thank you for doing such a great job tonight. I appreciate you working late tonight." She smiled and left.
Nerissa Oden
All writings here are copyrighted by Nerissa Oden. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Nov 3, 2010
Wimberley Texas Voting System: Tracking How You Vote?
Voting in Wimberley, Texas uses eSlate electronic machines that can track how you voted. Here's how:
1. Your voter registration card or drivers license is scanned.
2. A unique 4-digit code is created from the same laptop that scanned your ID.
3. Input your unique 4-digit code to activate the machine (you can't vote unless you enter your unique code)
Of course Hays County poll workers say it can't. But obviously it can due to the process we have to go through to vote in Hays County. (outlined above)
In a TRUE democratic republic, no one would be able to know how you voted. And no elected officials would want too, and thus no elected officials would buy such e-voting systems. Here is an alternative that allows transparency and the speed of computer tabulation together--
Nerissa Oden
All writings here are copyrighted by Nerissa Oden. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
1. Your voter registration card or drivers license is scanned.
2. A unique 4-digit code is created from the same laptop that scanned your ID.
3. Input your unique 4-digit code to activate the machine (you can't vote unless you enter your unique code)
Of course Hays County poll workers say it can't. But obviously it can due to the process we have to go through to vote in Hays County. (outlined above)
In a TRUE democratic republic, no one would be able to know how you voted. And no elected officials would want too, and thus no elected officials would buy such e-voting systems. Here is an alternative that allows transparency and the speed of computer tabulation together--
Nerissa Oden
All writings here are copyrighted by Nerissa Oden. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
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